Personal & professional Ethics Statement
Support: I will support clients, employers, co-workers, and associates with professionalism and expertise.
Continuous Learning: When I do not know about a subject or topic, I will not hesitate to research or seek help from an expert.
Dedication: I will work hard to meet the needs of those I work with and for, while upholding my personal ethics and legal obligations.
Respect and Fair Treatment
Core Beliefs: I believe people should be treated with respect, equity, integrity, and tolerance.
Fair Treatment: Every person is entitled to fair treatment, and it is my responsibility to encourage and advocate for such treatment.
Personal Responsibility: If I fail to advocate or misjudge a person, I will make amends. Understanding my responsibilities and reconciling failures is vital to my personal growth.
Personal and Professional Growth
Commitment to Growth: I will dedicate time to my personal and professional growth throughout my career.
Learning from Failures: My failures will be learned from and used as examples for the future.
Celebrating Successes: I will celebrate my successes but not allow them to cloud my judgment.
Avoiding Complacency: If my growth becomes stunted, I will assess the situation and correct myself. I aim to avoid complacency in my skills and beliefs, always seeking opportunities for growth.
This Ethics statement was originally created for a writing for public relations course. However, it accurately reflects my personal and professional ethics and beliefs.