Elizabeth Thomas Elizabeth Thomas

Works by Dina Media Kit

For a writing for Public Relations course, Ca’Ryn Newman and I worked on a press kit for Works by Dina, a Tampa business consultation firm. Newman and I focused on the same angle to create the press kit.

This press kit includes a presentation, a press release, a fact sheet, a backgrounder, a radio PSA, an FAQ page, a podcast script, two biographies and three social media posts. Ca’ryn and I worked on biographies, social media posts and presentation together. Ca’ryn worked on the radio PSA and podcast script. I worked on the media release, backgrounder and FAQ page.

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Elizabeth Thomas Elizabeth Thomas

Mock Pitch Letter

This pitch letter was created for a Writing for Public relations class. It promotes the center for sustainable democracy and directly correlates to the mini press kit created for the center.

Subject: How Gen Z is finding community in democracy; USF Center for Sustainable Democracy podcast pitch

Dear Mr. Kirby Wilson (Tampa Bay Times),

The By Conduct and Example podcast creates a space where people can unite their unique skills to form communities dedicated to democracy. 


Following the election, the podcast gives inciteful ways to reconnect to communities in need during November 15 to November 30. The podcast is part of the Center for Sustainable Democracy at the University of South Florida.

Why it’s important

  • Connects with Tampa Bay communities through diverse guest speakers

  • Involves local political agencies through inviting guest speakers

  • Gives multiple perspectives to democratic topics

  • Builds communities through discussions

  • Advises ways to get engaged in democracy

  • Covers topics in depth

  • Created and sponsored by USF

More Information

Social links:


Previous coverage:




Thank you for your time and consideration!


Best regards,

Elizabeth Thomas

Zimmerman School of Mass Communication & Advertising



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Elizabeth Thomas Elizabeth Thomas

Center for Sustainable Democracy Mini Press Kit

For a writing for Public Relations course, Bella Blind and I were assigned to create a mini press kit for the Center for Sustainable Democracy’s Podcast, By Conduct & Example. Blind and I developed different angles and presented the project together.

This Mini-kit includes a presentation, a press release, two biographies and three social media posts. The biographies and presentation are the only content blind and i worked on together, all other content was made by me.

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Elizabeth Thomas Elizabeth Thomas

Mock Press Release

For a Public Relations Writing Course, my class was tasked with creating a mock press release about a University of South Florida alumnus. I interviewed my current boss, Kenyatta Harris, who graduated from the Zimmerman School of Advertising and Mass Communications (at USF).

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Elizabeth Thomas Elizabeth Thomas

Personal & professional Ethics Statement

I will work hard to meet the needs of those I work with and for, while upholding my personal ethics and legal obligations.


  • Support: I will support clients, employers, co-workers, and associates with professionalism and expertise.

  • Continuous Learning: When I do not know about a subject or topic, I will not hesitate to research or seek help from an expert.

  • Dedication: I will work hard to meet the needs of those I work with and for, while upholding my personal ethics and legal obligations.

Respect and Fair Treatment

  • Core Beliefs: I believe people should be treated with respect, equity, integrity, and tolerance.

  • Fair Treatment: Every person is entitled to fair treatment, and it is my responsibility to encourage and advocate for such treatment.

  • Personal Responsibility: If I fail to advocate or misjudge a person, I will make amends. Understanding my responsibilities and reconciling failures is vital to my personal growth.

Personal and Professional Growth

  • Commitment to Growth: I will dedicate time to my personal and professional growth throughout my career.

  • Learning from Failures: My failures will be learned from and used as examples for the future.

  • Celebrating Successes: I will celebrate my successes but not allow them to cloud my judgment.

  • Avoiding Complacency: If my growth becomes stunted, I will assess the situation and correct myself. I aim to avoid complacency in my skills and beliefs, always seeking opportunities for growth.

This Ethics statement was originally created for a writing for public relations course. However, it accurately reflects my personal and professional ethics and beliefs.

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