Mock Pitch Letter
This pitch letter was created for a Writing for Public relations class. It promotes the center for sustainable democracy and directly correlates to the mini press kit created for the center.
Subject: How Gen Z is finding community in democracy; USF Center for Sustainable Democracy podcast pitch
Dear Mr. Kirby Wilson (Tampa Bay Times),
The By Conduct and Example podcast creates a space where people can unite their unique skills to form communities dedicated to democracy.
Following the election, the podcast gives inciteful ways to reconnect to communities in need during November 15 to November 30. The podcast is part of the Center for Sustainable Democracy at the University of South Florida.
Why it’s important
Connects with Tampa Bay communities through diverse guest speakers
Involves local political agencies through inviting guest speakers
Gives multiple perspectives to democratic topics
Builds communities through discussions
Advises ways to get engaged in democracy
Covers topics in depth
Created and sponsored by USF
More Information
Social links:
Previous coverage:
Thank you for your time and consideration!
Best regards,
Elizabeth Thomas
Zimmerman School of Mass Communication & Advertising